Project title:

Click instead of crowd

Period of implementation:

Seven months (01.06.2021 -31.12.2021)

About the project:

Analysis, monitoring and recommendations of digital services provided to citizens by the public administration of Brčko District BiH

Project title:

Improving external oversight over the work of public administration

Period of implementation:

Ten months (01.06.2021-31.03.2022)

About the project:

The goal of the project is to improve the external oversight over the work of public administration through the analysis and proposals for the improvement of the degree of implementation of the recommendations of the supreme audit institutions (SAIs)

Project title:

E-LOCAL – Improvement of administrative e-services at the local level

Period of implementation:

9 months (01.06.2021-28.02.2022)

About the project:

To determine the level of development of digital administrative services in 4 local self-governance units (LSGU) in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and opportunities for their development and extension.

Project title:

Young people exercise the right to public information 

Period of implementation:

11 months (01.06.2021-30.04.2022)

About the project:

To increase the knowledge of young people about the right to access public information, and make them exercise this right in practical life.


Project title:

I have right to know

Period of implementation:

Ten months (01.06.2021-31.03.2022)

About the project:

To analyze proactive transparency of public administration and usage of the Law on Freedom of Access to Information (FOIA) by users of public services at the local level and contribute to creating more transparent, accountable public administration at the local level

Project title:

Toward Public Administration Reform: Local Communities as Actors of Change

Period of implementation:

12 months (01.06.2021-31.05.2022)

About the project:

To conduct a comprehensive situation analysis regarding the PAR process in 2 local communities involved, and on the basis of the same to initiate awareness raising and capacity building of various actors and citizens’ groups to participate in further reform activities at the local level