Online CSOs consultations on PAR

About Loomio

Loomio is a new feature on the WeBER Platform that will serve as a venue for online CSOs consultations on Public Administration Reform (PAR). It can be accessed and used by the members of the WeBER Platform and the National Working Groups (NWGs) for participating in and instigating PAR-related discussions as well as contributing to the consultations on PAR issues in the countries of the Western Balkans. Given that the WeBER Platform currently gathers over 100 organisations from across the region, Loomio will make it easier for them to engage in discussions, exchange information and make decisions over time.

CSOs will be able to contribute to the PAR-related discussions through the four main elements of Loomio. These include: groups, threads, proposal, and outcome. Groups will serve as space where the WeBER Platform and NWG members can discuss different topics through discussion threads (for example, each WeBER Platform and NWG member will be an active member of the Loomio National PAR Working Group in their country). Following the discussions, decisions can be made using tools such as the proposal, or other polls, which can help understand and visualise the group’s position and opinion on a given proposal, question, or topic. Once the group has expressed its opinion, the outcome can be used to show what is going to happen next, based on the previously conducted discussions and decision-making.

Moreover, Loomio tool will be utilised by the WeBER Platform and NWG members for the purpose of identifying priority PAR topics for each country ahead of the regional and national meetings. This will be done through ranking and voting for the posted suggestions within the corresponding discussion threads.

As they provide a new way of interactive participation and engagement of CSOs, the online consultations are expected to greatly innovate and facilitate the work of the regional WeBER Platform, thus contributing towards the greater goal of the WeBER 2.0 project which is to further empower CSOs in the Western Balkans to engage in the design and implementation of PAR in line with the requirements of the EU accession process.

The WeBER 2.0 team is looking forward to your participation in PAR consultations through Loomio!

Technical instructions

  • Check your inbox and look for the following message: “…has invited you to join WeBER 2.0: Western Balkan Civil Society Empowerment for a Reformed Public Administration”
  • As a part of this message, i.e. invitation to join a group on the Loomio platform, there is an “Accept invitation” button that should be clicked on.
  • Select the desired sign in method (Goople, Facebook, E-mail) and enter the required information.
  • After the third step, you will become an active member of the Loomio National PAR Working Group in your country.
  • Proverite prijemno sanduče elektronske pošte i potražite poruku: “… has invited you to join WeBER 2.0: Western Balkan Civil Society Empowerment for a Reformed Public
  • U sklopu ove poruke, tj. pozivnice da se priključite grupi na Loomio platformi, nalazi se dugme “Accept invitation” koje treba klknuti.
  • Odaberite željeni način prijavljivanja (Google, Facebook, E-mail) i unesite tražene podatke.
  • Nakon 3. koraka postajete aktivni član Loomio grupe za Nacionalnu radnu grupu u vašoj zemilji.
  • Проверете го вашето сандаче и побарајте ја следнава порака: „… ве покани да се приклучите на ВЕБЕР 2.0: Подобрување на граѓанското општество во Западен Балкан за реформирана јавна администрација“.
  • Како дел од оваа порака, т.е. покана за пристапување во група на платформата Loomio, постои копчето „Прифати покана“ на кое треба да се кликне.
  • Изберете го посакуваниот метод за најавување (Google, Facebook, e-mail) и внесете ги потребните информации.
  • По третиот чекор, ќе станете активен член на Loomio Националната Работна група за РЈА во вашата земја.
  • Kontrolloni inboksin e email-it tuaj për këtë mesazh: “…has invited you to join WeBER 2.0: Western Balkan Civil Society Empowerment for a Reformed Public Administration – National PAR Working Group on Loomio”.
  • Pjesë e këtij mesazhi automatik është butoni “Accept invitation” [pranoj ftesën]” që duhet klikuar.
  • Përzgjidhni mënyrën me të cilën dëshironi të regjistroheni (Google, Facebook, E-mail) dhe vendosni informacionin e kërkuar.
  • Pas hapit të tretë, ju do të bëheni një anëtar aktiv në Loomio-n e Grupit Kombëtar të Punës për Reformën e Administratës Publike të vendit ku ushtroni veprimtarinë tuaj.