List of selected CSOs under the “Small Grant Facility for civil society monitoring of PAR at local level” of the WeBER project

The Small Grant Facility is a part of the WeBER project funded by the European Union represented by the European Commission and co-financed by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Serbia.

The aim of the Small Grant Facility is to provide support to local CSOs, media, and grassroots initiatives that are active in monitoring and evaluation of the public administration reform (PAR). Additionally, the Grant Facility will enable local CSOs, grassroots initiatives, and media to contribute to the PAR Monitor, advocate for PAR locally, and establish local PAR WGs for dialogue with local authorities.

According to the final evaluation of the submitted applications for participation in the CfA #WeBER – G – 01, on May 4, 2017 the following civil society organisations have been selected for the grant award:

No Organisation Project title Country
1. Local Democracy Agency (LDA) Subotica Local Civic Monitor Serbia
2. Bečejsko udruženje mladih (BUM) Toward to transparent and accountable public administration at the local level Serbia
3. Nacionalna koalicija za decentralizaciju (NKD) My Budget-My Responsibility Serbia
4. Centar za ravnomerni regionalni razvoj CenTriR Human Resource Management –the Key of Efficient, Professional and Depoliticized Local Self-Governement Serbia
5. Centar za razvoj građanskog društva PROTECTA Civic watch – quality public services in local community Serbia
6. Praxis Contributing to Public Administration Reform (PAR) in Kraljevo Serbia
7. Centar za razvoj demokratskog društva Europolis The new law on employee, old problems? Towards transparent recruitment processes in local administration. Serbia
8. Shoqata “Gazetarë Profesionistë Rajonalë“ Are you a responsible citizen? Search transparency in public services; collaborate with Media! Albania
9. Forumi i Pavarur i Gruas Shqiptare Gender Equality in Public Services Albania
10. Qendra për Zhvillim Komunitar “Sot për të Ardhmen” (QZHK “Sot për të Ardhmen”) RAP-311,000 _Report from Community on good governance and public administration in Durres and Puka Albania
11. Institute of Romani Culture in Albania (IRCA) Advocating for Inclusive Social Service Delivery at Local Level through Roma Mediators Albania
12. Observatori për të Drejtat e Fëmijëve Monitoring the effectiveness of the public administration of local government through evaluation of citizen opinion Albania
13. lnstituti Shqiptar per lnovacion Social The law protects me from injustice Albania
14. Udruženje žena „Priroda“ Monitoring of Local Assemblies – application of mechanisms of citizens in decision making Bosnia and Herzegovina
15. Centar za razvoj civilnog društva u Bosni i Hercegovini “Monitoring responsibility and providing services of the local self-government in the municipalities Doboj Istok, Gračanica, Petrovo and Lukavac” Bosnia and Herzegovina
16. Agencija za razvoj preduzeća EDA Strengthening role of CSOs and local media in improvement of transparency of work of local governments Bosnia and Herzegovina
17. Udruženje „Motivator“ Local Administration – Service for us! Bosnia and Herzegovina
18. Center for Civic Cooperation Citizens for Accountable Local Government Bosnia and Herzegovina
20. GAP Institute Monitoring Service Delivery principle of public administration in the local level Kosovo
21. Instituti per Politika Zhvillimore (INDEP) Enhancing accountability and transparency of public institutions through the empowerment of a professional and apolitical local administration Kosovo
22. Association for Capacity Improvement “Media Pulse” Public Information for All Kosovo
23. Iniciativa për Progres – INPO Strengthening of accountability in municipal administration Kosovo
24. Асоцијација за развојни иницијативи – Зенит Towards improved and more accessible services for the citizens: monitoring of the tax administration in the city of Skopje. Macedonia
25. FINANCE THINK – Институт за економско истражување и политики Active inclusion of citizens in creating and monitoring local budgeting and public procurement Macedonia
26. Импакт – Институт за истражување Comparative analysis and recommendations for improvement of the practices for external consultation in policy creation of local self-governments in the South-East region in Macedonia Macedonia
27. Здружение Форум Центар за стратешки истражувања и документација Strengthening the influence of citizens in determining the priorities of the Local Self Government Units (LSGU) Macedonia
28. Здружение на граѓани 6-та Ѕвезда Local Correspondents Network – a series of investigative stories and media promotion for accountability of the Local Self-Government Units (LSGUs) Macedonia
30. Centar za građansko obrazovanje (CGO) I have the right to know! Accountable municipalities in citizens’ service Montenegro
31. Udruženje mladih sa hendikepom Crne Gore Ensure resources for inclusion Montenegro
32. NVO Natura With cooperation and dialogue to better local governance Montenegro
33. Center for Democratic Transition (CDT) Managing for Results in Local self-governments Montenegro